today just wasnt go well.......
travel alone the johor just make me fell sick with johor....and also malacca.
i wondering why i just love to travel by cab although it cost me a tonne of money.
spending 8 hrs on the buses just made me tired with public transport.
maybe consider buying a car, if so wa la......no more waiting period waiting time waiting waiting waiting all these year waiting is the thing that needed in patient while deal with public transport.
now getting a job is my concern and first priority
today interview ..... forget it
i still dont know what i am really looking for.
even a super given to me, i also not sure will happen next.......so useless!
days passed by passed by passed by and never stop but i always stop stop stop and wait.
wait for what? durian runtuh!:p
chance always say hello to me .....1 2 3 4 5 6........a lots
but i never even grab a single of them from high school till graduated from college
chance never stop finding me
they didnt gave up of me and anyone
only i gave up of them
a WISE MAN said get the thing first and think later
if you not even getting a single thing, then why you think so much
wasting your energy and time as well
books said i need to depend on myself and not depending on my family or friends
it will only make weak weak and kill me and last
i need to suffer for grow in physical and mentally
how to make myself cheer???
my heart need to be cheer, it will make me live longer and better
else sad and negative ppl never live long, they all die in young age.....like me?
so now need to take precaution.....die in young age pretty sad yo!
no more mcD for the next few months.....fell vomit even think of it
have my meals all in mcD today....T.T
cannot find kopitiam.......starbucks......coffee bean
currently i am quite enjoy in starbucks and kopitiam......coffee bean not yet go there
there are few doubts that bothering me
firstly, am i capable of doing anything? of course la.... ah max ma
secondly, who am i? for sure not jacky chan
finally, when will i stop talk nonsense? please do forget this
what if i go to take a swimming coach license? although i wasnt good at all
how about life guard? can be considered
i actually know what truly want in my life.....freedom in life
maybe i believe i am the bird in cage who looking forward for freedom.....doesnt free really that good?
of course! no need to pay wat.
something i really think that i needed to change the first is my way of listening to others?
i am damn easy influence by others...their single word can beat all my "max made decision"
reason for this just every simple....( )
blank inside.......no brain la! aiyo
Facebook made me sick.......addicted already! OMG
Now keep searching friends that I know, classmate la....ex-classmate la....ex-ex-classmate...ex-ex-ex-classmate....friend la...friend's friend la....friend's friend's friend la....
and reach the number of thousand^^
Reading and viewing others profile and life venture made me so jealous with other people wonderful life experience. They put a lots of pictures in their profile, but I .........
Take photo once been something I hate the most.....
Now acceptable and like it so much but it seems too late where I do not know with who I should take with ......T-T
Soon I will update some of mine as well.......
Recently, I having problem in making decision.......as most of the lost people will face!
Something just knocking inside my head, it saids "hello" to me and I replies "what you want"?
"you owed me something" answer I get, I am really blurred........"what I owe this guy here"
I still do not know what I owe to the guy deep inside me......what I owe myself? what I want? who am I? a lot more question marks.....I need to figure out it....else I am nobody to anybody!
I want to be somebody, somebody that I know........
I have a dream to dream!!! I wish my dream will not be a dream........
It's all about career after graduate......is that true?
A quest for me all the time since that day on.
Something I don't know what I really looking for or .....
I'm not that bad wat... why applied for damn many jobs but none succeed.
OK then now found one.....then I don't know whether I wan the job or .....
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
So meaningful As Always ....... it just does
Finally, day after day of waiting it gone into history. Rest in peace, my laptop.
It just happened!!!
On the evening I were still using it to check the NBA Playoff result. As everyone expected, Lakers won the playoff then I lost my laptop.... what a disaster
At night after I finished watching my show, wanna surfing the internet and the laptop just cannot turn on!!! Same as the last time, same life span for its last main board and current main board. This brand just suck.....I rather donate the money than buying the same brand AGAIN. PAQ your head....
One year usage only........then burned out
When I first bought this laptop, every accurate in one year just a few days after the warranty expired the main board burned. Then change for new one and exactly the same main board to keep everything back to normal. Now only one year over, BURST......gone.
Bye bye
Don't worry I will sell your organs as a payback for my lost.....^^
就因为这样,那好吧!从今天起我就谁都不联络,就等他们来联络我吧!说反了!:p 是我谁都联络,就不等他们来联络我!朋友,注意电话信箱噢!我来啰!
这次的旅行我留了一个遗憾!之前已经计划好了,但是没去实行。其它的都一一达成。沙滩漫步达成了!因为我们住在Redang Reef Resort,是在最角落,所以我计划就从那开始沙滩漫步到另一个角落。全程应该有三、四公里吧!一个人完成!看星星达成了!热浪岛的星星不及国家公园,那的灯光污染(light pollution)蛮严重的。星星的亮度不及我家乡凌晨的夜空!我们去那几天完全没月亮,农历二七、二八哪来月亮!一个人完成!沙滩漫步后,独自看星星到深夜三点。看日出也达成了!独自坐在岩石上看日出,一个人完成!国辉,对不起!我忘了叫醒你!另外有一些就是当机立断,可是断不了!Jungle tracking因为没人带队,所以泡汤了!划船(canoeing)因为阴天和迟了的关系,柜台收档了。潜水(scuba diving)没时间也没人陪。
话说回来,这趟毕业旅行我可是出了名噢!有个称号“容易受伤的男人”!从头伤到尾,请别误会,不是从头上伤到脚。是从去伤到回家!从一上岸开始就泻肚子,泻到手软脚软,走路都没什么力。买药吃了就好很多了,真够衰!都不懂吃错什么?接下来更厉害,因为全部人都来围观看热闹!难道是给鲨鱼咬?鲨鱼哪里要咬我!它看到我这幅骨头都觉得难啃了,哪会来咬我!就在吃完晚餐,打完电话报平安后,不到五秒我就坐在地板上了。我的左脚板穿洞了!一支一公分长,比牙签还要粗的木碎(木支比较正确)穿进我的脚板。那个时候的感觉真的是爽啊!冲!冲!冲!更吓人的是还要开刀,真的开刀噢!那里的负责人Uncle Phua 看完整个状况后,就拿来刀片和打火机。我第一时间就问:“Uncle!可以不要割吗?用指甲剪慢慢剪,可以吗?”Uncle 只是和我摇摇头表示不可以!那时我的脸已经吓得比白纸还要白,快昏了。Uncle Phua 的技术超棒,割开的时候完全感觉不到痛。但拔木碎时就。。。。。。升天了!虽然整个过程我都没掉泪,但看到朋友因我而伤心,我更伤心。这种伤对我来说没什么,因为有那么多美女相伴SWEET ^_^,多来几次又何妨!第二天早上还跑去浮潜(snorkeling),真的不怕死,也不怕伤口引来鲨鱼!哈哈哈! 因为受伤,那晚九点半十点就睡了。走路不方便,就没跟他们去拍照听歌走沙滩,好可怜噢!第一天就这么衰衰的过去了。
晚上,全部人都到open disco去喝酒跳舞。我厉害咯!喝了两口酒就半路失踪,每个人都找不到我。我一个人去走沙滩看星星,还蛮不错的。可能中午吓破胆了,晚上也没什么心情玩,在加上“左右为难”不便跳动,留下一丝遗憾!在我半路失踪之前,国辉做了一件令我很感动的事。他在沙滩上写了这些字! MAX!DON’T FORGET US!我眼泪都快掉下来了。虽然我们彼此相识不到半年,但我们就像兄弟一样。放心吧!我不会忘记你们的。还有就是Jimmy,谢谢你的安排,虽然你整个旅程都在泡妞,已经进入无我状态了。不过,我谅解!男人都是重色轻友之徒,因为我也是。虽然不知道会不会有下次,但我还是很期待。祝各位朋友们前程锦绣,有缘再见。还有就是Uncle Phua 的救脚之恩,本人没齿不忘。谢谢!
“阿呆的小小世界永远有无限的可能” 这是我msn的标题。很多人都问我为什么放“阿呆”?就因为阿甘的影响!他的一生就是懂得往前跑,从不会有烦恼。我希望我也能像他,前面就算有墙壁也不必闪,穿过去就是了!
Fisherman's Friend 的那个盒子可漂亮了。可以拿来装戒指呢!赛斯刚刚好!另一个看都懂咯!key-chain 钥匙圈但可以拿来剪指甲噢!
今年有一个很突然的聚会!我拒绝出席了!一个我还蛮后悔的决定。小学六年级B班的聚会,来得有点突然。就是这个老朋友告诉我他接到电话,我说我不知道。然后我就和他出去喝茶聊天!大约一小时候后轮到我收到电话了,一个美女打来叫我去聚会。而且出席的还是全部美女噢!好几个是毕业之后就一直没见过的噢!以前是美女,现在就是大美女咯!据我所知,那天好像只有三个男的。一个走了,另外两个才来。我相信以后一定还有“机会”的,哪怕是天塌下来还是会相见的!我不去的理由很简单,我的猪朋狗友、老朋友都没去,我怕怕没人壮胆!另外一些甚至没收到电话,所以我有点点不爽。我很厉害的,我一个一个打电话问! 美女过后讲明年她搞一个比较Official的gathering。酱我就负责“搬马”咯!
It’s as simple as a flick of the switch.
What began as a campaign to get Sydneysiders to turn their lights off, has grown to become one of the world’s biggest climate change initiatives. In 2009, at 8.30pm on March 28, people around the world will turn their lights for one hour – Earth Hour. We’re aiming to reach one billion people, more than 1000 cities, all joining together in a global effort to show that its possible to take action on global warming.
Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia with 2.2 million homes and businesses turning their lights off for one hour. Only a year later and this event had become a global sustainability movement with up to 50 million people across 35 countries participating. Global landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome’s Colosseum and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour.
Earth Hour 2009 is a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community. A call to stand up, to take responsibility and to get involved in working towards a sustainable future. Iconic buildings and landmarks from Europe to The Americas will stand in darkness. People across the world will turn off their lights and join together in creating the vital conversation about the future of our precious planet.
Over 64 countries and territories are participating in Earth Hour 2009. This number grows every day as people realise how such a simple act, can have such a profound result in affecting change.
Earth Hour is a message of hope and a message of action. Everyone can make a difference.
Join us for Earth Hour 2009, turn off your lights at 8.30pm Saturday 28 March and sign-up here at earthhour.org(earthhour.org, 2009)
我曾经踩在它头上!下次还会去踩它多一次, 哈哈哈哈
傍晚六点多到七点多,这段时间它就会出现!还要是看年头还是年尾,两个都有时差!我最厉害的是十二月三十一日去看日落, 然后一月一号再去。比较比较!其实有很大的差别!不信?你去看咯就知道!我看了很多次,也比较了很多次。真的不一样!
how it feels playing blogger hmmmm......?
today witness my starting line of my DMP
can i go through it ? ? ?